In an unusual show of solidarity between female emcees, Nicki blasts BET for not nominating Trina as one of the best female emcees.
Trina found herself absent from the list of BET Awards nominees despite dropping a mixtape, an album [2010’s Amazin’] and playing a prominent role on Ludacris’ 2010 effort Battle of the Sexes. Trina was left off of a list of nominees for Best Female Hip Hop Artist that included Nicki Minaj, Diamond, Cymphonique and Lola Monroe. The latter two artists have yet to release a retail album.
Shout out to my big sis @TRINArockstarr she has always been my idol! I don't knw wut happen wit the nominations.. But she raised all of US!
Trina was rather short with her reaction to the preceived snub, posting “Fuck BET…” to her Twitter feed after the nominees were announced on BET’s “106 & Park” Tuesday. Nicki Minaj, who also appeared on a different version Ludacris’ “My Chick Bad” and alongside Trina on Yo Gotti’s “5 Star Chick” showed support for the femcee who would have essentially served as her competition if she was also nominated. She sent a similar message out via Twitter saying she wasn’t taking the awards seriously.
fuck BET......
Looks @ nominations. Didn't know it was April Fools... *waits for Trina's name to appear before I take this seriously*
For her part, R&B sonstress Keyshia Cole also pointed out that she also hasn’t been nominated despite having seven number one singles. But she said she hoped that everyone who goes has a wonderful time. BET has yet to respond to the statements made by any of the artists.
That awkward moment when u realize in everyone's eyes your not the sh*t anymore. #POW. I've officially got the memo. Thank mtv/bet
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